BELIEVE Campaign – Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1) What are the goals of the BELIEVE Campaign?

    Demonstrate our faith in God, evolve the beloved legacy of MOBC, build a stronger future for our community, and eliminate the burden of mortgage debt on our church.

  • 2) Why are these goals important?

    We are called to connect divine resources to human needs. We are disciples of Christ and good stewards.

  • 3) Are the goals achievable?

    Together, through our collective prayers, talents, and contributions, we BELIEVE that with God, all things are possible (Mark 9:23).

  • 4) Why do we have BELIEVE Statements?

    The statements capture what we BELIEVE together and will help us realize the goals of the campaign.

  • 5) What opportunities are possible when MOBC has eliminated the church mortgage debt burden?

    We BELIEVE the opportunities are limitless when we eliminate principal plus interest payments and redirect these dollars to serve MOBC and the community.

  • 6) Why are we refinancing the church mortgage debt?

    Contractually, it is time for MOBC to refinance the loan in December 2024.

  • 7) Is MOBC in default on its mortgage loan?

    No, commercial property loans are typically refinanced every 5-10 years, when the loan “balloons”, unlike traditional home mortgages.  Refinancing helps avoid making a large, lump-sum payment at the end of the commercial property loan.

  • 8) How much has been paid on the current MOBC mortgage loan?

    $2.6 million paid of the original $7.5 million loan principal and $2.3 million in interest payments, $4.9 million total.

  • 9) How can MOBC members submit an Invitation to BELIEVE pledge card to the BELIEVE Campaign?

    Pledges may be submitted clicking on the Pledge link at the top of the page, or your physical pledge card may be placed in the basket during the offertory period. Additionally, a pledge may be placed in the pledge box located at the rear of the church sanctuary.

  • 10) How and where can I make actual contributions to the BELIEVE Campaign?

    Via check, church offering envelope (use Building Fund field), Givelify, e-Giving, or mail to MOBC Office.

  • 11) Will 100% of the BELIEVE contributions go towards the mortgage loan?


  • 12) Will the church make changes in its budget and spending to make a sacrificial offering to the BELIEVE Campaign?


  • 13) Will there be frequent updates on pledge totals and actual contributions?


  • 14) Will my contributions to the BELIEVE campaign be tracked and included in my MOBC Full Year Giving Summary?

    Yes, all your giving will be included.

  • 15) What happens if I miss making a promised contribution to the BELIEVE Campaign?

    By faith and prayer, we hope you catch up giving when you can.

  • 16) Can a submitted Invitation to BELIEVE commitment be changed to adjust the amount (lower or higher) due economic issues?

    Yes, please call the MOBC Office.

  • 17) Can I submit an Invitation to BELIEVE commitment if I regularly worship at MOBC but have not become a member?

    Yes, we appreciate you sowing into BELIEVE.

  • 18) I have occasionally made contributions to the MOBC Building Fund. Are these now included in the BELIEVE Campaign?


  • 19) What does equal sacrifice, not equal giving mean?

    Individual giving may not be the same, yet every giving is sacrificial and helps to achieve BELIEVE goals.

  • 20) What does it mean that “everyone can participate because everyone can believe”, mean?

    It means just that, everyone can BELIEVE, thus everyone can participate.

  • 21) What are the giving levels?

    These are guides to help BELIEVERS determine what their sacrificial giving will be, beyond tithes and offerings, on the regular basis they choose (weekly, monthly, annually, one-time) and what that adds to on an annual basis and at the end of 3 years.

  • 22) Will the mortgage payments be made monthly, quarterly, or annually?


  • 23) What is the recognition plan for participants in the BELIEVE Campaign?

    We are working on the plans to be announced later.

  • 24) Beyond the Invitation to BELIEVE pledge commitments, what other events are planned to support the BELIEVE Campaign?

    We are working on developing plans for other efforts and events to support BELIEVE.  We hope you will join at least one BELIEVE committee.

  • 25) What happens if pledges and contributions do not total to $5 million?

    If it takes longer than 3 years, we BELIEVE God will provide for us to eliminate the church mortgage in His timing.